When I first had my son 4 years ago I had the same fairytale picture of motherhood that most mother’s do. I pictured the playground, and the park. Watching his first play. The first time he got on the school bus. I never anticipated the food intolerances. The frequent infections.
At 27 years old, my life has been flipped upside down by a new, albeit correct diagnosis: PANS. It stands for Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. My psychiatrist figured out I had PANS after a long bout with mono caused me to have extreme psychiatric symptoms. And strangely, when I took anti-inflammatories such
Our beautiful, jovial, spirited son Dominic was diagnosed with PANS at age 6 by one of the most trusted specialists in the field, Dr T. His sudden onset began early October of the same year. Our seemingly perfect child went to bed and woke up the following day with dilated
Up until a year ago I was told that my son Tyler had Tourette’s, OCD, Anxiety, and ADHD/ADD. Of course this was mind-blowing and hard to process as parents of what appeared to be a healthy 7 year old at the time. When he was 4 years old he had